Therapeutic uses The active ingredients present in the plant are: lectines I, II and III (glycoprotein) gi. Visctoxin (protein); Galacturonan, arabinogalactan (polysaccharides) and alkaloids.The Viscum was a sacred plant of Celtic peoples.
The Celts and the Galatians called it "all-heal" or "heal all". It has a long history of herbal therapy for delirium, hysteria, neuralgia and nervous stiffness, and the mistletoe tincture was used as a heart stimulant in typhoid fever.
This herb has been used as a treatment for urinary disorders, heart disease and other symptoms resulting from a weak or disturbed state of the nervous system.GI has been used to lower blood pressure and heart rate, relieve stress and as a botanical help to sleep.
The herb has traditionally been used throughout Europe as a remedy for headaches, dizziness, energy loss and irritability. It has been used as a traditional cure for cough, especially spastic cough, bronchial asthma, and asthma attacks due to psychological tension.
Traditional herbal medicine uses the herb as a natural remedy for arthritic pain and is believed to be an effective external treatment for leucorrhoea, gout and sciatica. Numerous studies have reported that plant lectins have toxic, cytotoxic, anti-tumor and anti-carcinogenic properties.
Research currently being carried out in Europe to determine their potential for cancer chemotherapy and in Germany, European juice extracts are sometimes used as a remedy for some types of cancer.